Welcome to FMDA

FMDA – The Florida Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine is the state chapter of the AMDA – The Society for Post-Acute and Long-Term Care Medicine. It is also a “Specialty Society” of the Florida Medical Association. The mission of FMDA is to promote the highest quality care in the post-acute care continuum by providing leadership, professional education, and advocacy.


FMDA maintains a database of more than 325 members and 1,100 total contacts. Most of our members are medical directors and attending physicians of Florida skilled nursing facilities or nursing homes. The IMS Data tracking system does not track the prescribing activities of these physicians as accurately as it does through retail pharmacies. Many of our members are “flat liners” on the IMS system, even though they may have hundreds of nursing home patients, taking on average, eight medicines at any one time.

Call for Presenations

FMDA is now accepting Speaker Presentation Proposals for Best Care Practices 2022, Nov. 3-6, 2022, at Loews Portofino Bay Resort. Presenters who wish to speak at this regional conference are invited to submit an online proposal by clicking here. The deadline is March 1, 2022.

Save The Date!

FMDA’s 31st Annual Conferece & Trade Show, Best Care Practices in the Post-Acute & Long-Term Care Continuum 2022, is Nov. 3-6, 2022 at the Loews Portofino Bay Resort Universal Orlando!

Resource Library

We created a library of Sepsis-Related Resources ranging from published journal articles and reports, PowerPoint presentations, sepsis tools, and Sepsis Summit PowerPoint Presentations.

We have also created a COVID-19 Resource Library


If you are interesting in joining a committee, for a 1-year term, click here to complete this form.

[heading header_size=”big” header_align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”0″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn”]Our doctors[/heading][bordered_divider divider_height=”3″ divider_width=”60″ margin_top=”30″ margin_bottom=”60″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.1″][staff_list count=”4″ columns=”4″ link_title=”off” text_align=”left” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”50″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.2″]

[heading text_color=”text-light” header_type=”h2″ header_size=”big” header_weight=”light” header_align=”center” margin_top=”60″ margin_bottom=”60″ scroll_animation=”fadeInLeft”]Do you need an appointment?[/heading]

[button type=”primary” size=”lg” label=”book an appointment” link=”http://lambda.oxygenna.com/medical/book-an-appointment/” icon_position=”right” icon=”fa fa-arrow-right” text_color=”text-light”]

[heading header_size=”big” header_align=”center” margin_top=”50″ margin_bottom=”0″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn”]Latest news[/heading][bordered_divider divider_height=”3″ divider_width=”60″ margin_top=”30″ margin_bottom=”60″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.1″][recent_posts style=”image” margin_top=”0″ margin_bottom=”50″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.3″]

[panel background_colour=”rgba(255, 255, 255, 0.69)” margin_top=”60″ margin_bottom=”60″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.1″][heading header_align=”center”]Opening Hours[/heading][bordered_divider divider_height=”3″ divider_width=”60″ margin_bottom=”40″ scroll_animation=”fadeIn” scroll_animation_delay=”0.1″]


24 Hours open

