COVID-19 Resources

Library of COVID-19 Related Resources

(Click to download/view the resource documents listed below)


A. The Journal Club:

Long COVID – Clinical Deep Dive, May 11, 2022

Join our host and speaker, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, as we head down the rabbit hole and explore clinical cases, literature, and guidance while continuing the dialogue on the impact of Long COVID, aka. Post-Acute Sequala of COVID (PASC), across the PALTC continuum.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

  1. Review current insight into the pathophysiology of Post-Acute Sequala of COVID and duration of this condition.
  2. Evaluate the current literature and anecdotal knowledge around Post–Acute Sequala of COVID.
  3. Assess our ability to recognize and diagnosis this condition across the PALTC continuum.
  4. Discuss clinical interventions and medical management under investigation for Post-Acute Sequala of COVID.
  5. Create a dialogue around guidance and guidelines for the management of Post-Acute Sequala of COVID across the PALTC continuum.

We reviewed the following articles:

    1. American Journal of Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation – Phase-Adapted Rehabilitation for Acute Coronavirus Disease-19 Patients and Patient With Long-term Sequelae of Coronavirus Disease-19
    2. Journal of the American Geriatrics Society – Post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection in nursing homes: Do not forget the most vulnerable
    3. Mayo Clinic Proceedings – Long-Term Effects of COVID-19
    4. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health – Defining Post-COVID Symptoms (Post-Acute COVID, Long COVID, Persistent Post-COVID): An Integrative Classification

Click here to view the May 11, 2022 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID Pharmaceutical Update, January 19, 2022

Join special guests, Corey Bishop, RN, CRRN, CRNI; Ginny Hoar, PharmD; and Terry O’Shea, PharmD, BCGP; and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID Pharmaceutical Update.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Discuss current state of pharmaceutical management of COVID in PALTC facilities.
      2. Describe the challenges and opportunities seen statewide and nationally with the delivery of monoclonal antibodies in PALTC facilities as we combat the omicron variant.
      3. Analyze novel treatments for COVID and address how PALTC facilities can get access to the medications.
      4. Review the current state of vaccinations and boosters for PALTC residents, staff, and what we can expect if 4th shots are approved.

Click here to view the January 19, 2022 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Nursing Home Staffing Perils, November 17, 2021

Join special guest, Susan Jensvold, RN, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, Nursing Home Staffing Perils.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Describe the staffing crisis that we are experiencing across our PALTC facilities.
      2. Discuss the variables that may be contributing to our staff shortage including vaccine mandates, COVID infections amongst staff, and other stressors.
      3. Review NH strike team funding and discuss how our facilities can engage in this process.
      4. Provide insight into a day in the life of our nursing staff.

Click here to view the November 17, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

What’s Then? What’s Now? What’s Up?, October 20, 2021

Join your host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, What’s Then? What’s Now? What’s Up?

This session was high impact, high yield, and focused on the following learning objectives::

      1. Provide an overview of current state of the state for the COVID-19 pandemic with discussion of clinical trends and metrics.
      2. Discuss recent literature and clinical updates covering COVID-19 and more.
      3. Describe the current staffing challenges that PALTC is facing statewide and across the country.
      4. Address the future state of PALTC by detailing the challenges and opportunities we face in the PALTC community.

Click here to view the October, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

The Thing About Boosters, September 22, 2021

Join special guest, Swati Gaur, MD, MBA, CMD, AGSF, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, The Thing About Boosters.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Discuss the current guidance and clinical research surrounding 3rd shots/boosters.
      2. Unpack the ethical considerations associated with boosters.
      3. Identify how we in the in PALTC community should be approaching boosters for our PALTC residents and geriatric patients.

Click here to view the September 22, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Special Edition: COVID-19 Call to Action, August 19, 2021

Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this Special Edition of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Call to Action.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Address current state of the state, hotspots, and trends with COVID-19 infections across the country.
      2. Describe the differences in infection rates seen with the Delta variant and discuss which other variants have been identified.
      3. Analyze current staff vaccination rates and review FMDA’s SNF Staff Vaccine Confidence Initiative progress in tackling vaccine hesitancy.
      4. Examine monoclonal antibody updated guidance and review the challenges of using this treatment in PALTC settings.
      5. Review current guidance on administering 3rd shots of mRNA vaccines for immunocompromised patients and define who the “immunocompromised” are.

Click here to view the August 19, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Variants, Vaccinations, and SNF Preparedness, July 28, 2021

Join special guests Leslie Eber, MD, CMD, and Sing Palat, MD, CMD, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, Variants, Vaccinations, and SNF Preparedness.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Provide an overview of current state of the state with discussion of clinical trends and metrics.
      2. Discuss current surges in COVID cases across the country and breakthrough cases of COVID in vaccinated populations.
      3. Describe SNF preparedness in tackling this current COVID surge and enhanced protocols developed to combat the rise in cases associated with Delta Variant.
      4. Review the ongoing challenge of staff vaccinations and approaches to addressing vaccine apathy and hesitancy.

Click here to view the July 28, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Long Haulers, June 23, 2021

Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Long Haulers.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Discuss how to distinguish between skin manifestations related to COVID-19 and similar looking etiologies, such as shingles and deep tissue pressure ulcers/injuries.
      2. Describe the Chronic Symptoms experienced by many COVID survivors.
      3. Analyze the current literature and review pathophysiology proposed to be associated with this condition.
      4. Review clinical approaches being utilized to treat and provide rehabilitation to patients experiencing Chronic COVID symptoms.
      5. Discuss the impact of persistent COVID symptoms on our recovering residents in PALTC.

Click here to view the June 23, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Understanding COVID-19 Skin Manifestations, June 9, 2021

Join special guests, Victoria Nalls, PhD, GNP-BC, CWS, ACHPN, Pamela Scarborough, PT, DPT, CWS, FAAWC, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Understanding COVID-19 Skin Manifestations.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Discuss how to distinguish between skin manifestations related to COVID-19 and similar looking etiologies, such as shingles and deep tissue pressure ulcers/injuries.
      2. Provide helpful documentation considerations for wounds that develop as a result of, or are stalled in their healing trajectory due to COVID-19.
      3. Discuss COVID-19 long – haulers and the issues that arise with wound development and wound healing.
      4. Introduce COVID-19 Skin Manifestations Campaign and discuss how facilities can participate.

Click here to view the June 9, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Evolving Infection Control in PALTC, May 12, 2021

Join special guest, Leonard Hock, DO, MACOI, CMD, FAAHPM, HMDC, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Tackling SNF Vaccine Hesitancy.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Address ongoing approaches to addressing vaccine Hesitancy within our PALTC community.
      2. Discuss the perspectives of clinical and administrative leaders by sharing our experiences.
      3. Report on FMDA’s SNF Vaccine Hesitancy initiative and the steps we are taking to increase vaccine confidence within the PALTC community.

Click here to view the May 12, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Evolving Infection Control in PALTC, April 28, 2021

Join special guest, Swati Gaur MD, MBA, CMD, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Evolving Infection Control in PALTC.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Address the current challenges PALTC are facing at this stage of the Pandemic.
      2. Review how PALTC facilities are approaching the regulations and mandates set forth in the new legislation.
      3. Discuss local community surges in COVID cases and the risk for outbreaks in PALTC facilities.
      4. Address vaccinations in LTC and the ongoing challenge of vaccine hesitancy.

Click here to view the April 28, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: The Roundup, April 14, 2021

Join our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID 19 Impact: The Roundup.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Provide an in-depth State of the State for COVID-19 impact in the US and Florida.
      2. Review national and state trends, and discuss the surging cases in COVID-19
      3. Discuss local, state, and national vaccination strategies.
      4. Provide insight into utilization of monoclonal antibodies in our communities and facilities.
      5. Review research and provide clinical updates concerning COVID-19 and Non-COVID conditions.

Click here to view the April 14, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 and Advocacy: Advocacy for the PALTC Clinician, March 31, 2021


Join special guest, Christian Bergman, MD, CMD, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Progress Report.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Better understand methods and ways of engaging in advocacy.
      2. Access tools necessary to effectively engage in public policy.
      3. Distinguish between advocacy and lobbying.
      4. Engage with media in a best practice manner while focusing on delivering a concise message.
      5. Network with colleagues and build a network of PALTC “change agents”.


Click here to view the March 31, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Progress Report, March 17, 2021


Join special guest, Kimberly R. Smoak, MSH, QIDP, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Progress Report.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Review the progress we have made since the onset of this pandemic.
      2. Discuss the challenges faced by our SNFs and ALFs and the steps taken to resolve those issues.
      3. Describe the gains we have made with vaccinations in our facilities and the obstacles we still need to overcome.
      4. Evaluate the future state for our facilities and the improvements we need to make to our PALTC infrastructure.


Click here to view the March 17, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Special Edition: Revisiting Vaccinations – Are We There Yet? March 3, 2021


Join special guest, Leslie Beth Eber, MD, CMD, and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Special Edition: Revisiting Vaccinations – Are We There Yet?

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Address continued vaccine hesitancy and strategies to achieve vaccine confidence
      2. Review the three options presented by CDC for continued vaccination in LTC
      3. Discuss AMDA’s ongoing efforts to continue vaccination offerings in our facilities


Click here to view the March 3, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Monoclonal Antibody Use in PALTC, February 24, 2021


Join special guests, Corinne Bishop, RN, CRRN, CRNI; Christopher Lemelle, MD, MBA; and our host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD; for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Monoclonal Antibody Use in PALTC.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Review current perspective and current research related to the use of monoclonal antibodies
      2. Discuss operational considerations when starting this treatment program in PALTC facilities
      3. Describe the challenges and opportunities seen statewide and nationally with the delivery of this treatment in PALTC facilities


Click here to view the February 24, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Vaccines, Variants, and More, February 10, 2021


Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Vaccines, Variants, and More.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Review current state and national trends
      2. Provide clinical updates regarding vaccination distribution and administration
      3. Discuss our current understanding around COVID-19 variants and the impact they are having on COVID-19 treatments and vaccine effectiveness
      4. Discuss vaccine confidence and strategies to target vaccine hesitancy among residents, staff, and the greater population


Click here to view the February 10, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Skin Manifestation, January 27, 2021


Join special guest, Pamela Scarborough, PT, DPT, CWS, FAAWC, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Skin Manifestation.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Call for action for specific COVID-19 skin related education;
      2. Propagate awareness of COVID-19 skin manifestations in the medical and lay communities;
      3. ICD-10 code for COVID-19 skin manifestations for proper reporting to CMS;
      4. Collect meaningful numbers of specific skin manifestations of silent COVID-19 from the long-term care setting.


Click here to view the January 27, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Today & Tomorrow, January 13, 2021


Join our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for FMDA’s first Journal Club session of 2021, COVID-19 Impact: Today & Tomorrow.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Provide an in-depth State of the State for COVID-19 impact in the US and in Florida
      2. Review rates of infection and strategies around identifying the new variant strain of COVID-19
      3. Discuss Florida’s vaccination strategy and goals for achieving vaccination targets
      4. Review the challenges we have seen around vaccine aversion and the ongoing opportunity to build vaccine confidence
      5. Provide insight into the healthcare disparities seen within our nursing facilities and geriatric populations as it relates to COVID-19 infection rates and outcomes



Click here to view the January 13, 2021 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Building Vaccine Confidence, December 16, 2020


Join special guest, Leslie Eber, MD, CMD, and our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for FMDA’s last Journal Club session of 2020, COVID-19 Impact: Building Vaccine Confidence.

Our learning objectives for this session were:

      1. Discuss what we need to do to build Vaccine Confidence across the PALTC continuum, and review current strategies and guidance
      2. Provide an update around current vaccinations, Emergency Use Authorizations, and our next steps regarding vaccine distributions
      3. Review what we know now after initial vaccine administration in other countries
      4. Review the Vaccine pipeline and new updates regarding current and emerging therapeutics
      5. Discuss the State and Federal Vaccination distribution plans and phases and how it impacts PALTC clinical providers



Click here to view the December 16, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Headwinds, December 2, 2020


This episode describes current clinical trends and the differences that we are seeing with this current surge in cases, discusses recent clinical updates and relevant literature regarding vaccinations and monoclonal antibodies, reviews what we now know about COVID-19, it’s manifestations, and the impact that we are seeing months later, and discusses ongoing facility preparedness, immunity, and revisits the plans to distribute the vaccine in our facilities.

Click here to view the December 2, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19 Impact: Preparing for a Vaccine, November 18, 2020


Join special guest, Ginny Hoar, PharmD, as she joins our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Preparing for a Vaccine.

This episode provides an update around the current vaccination trials and the reported progress, discusses the federal and state vaccination distribution plans, reviews the role of the LTC consultant pharmacist in distributing the vaccine, and describes the preparedness strategies that facilities will need to engage in to distribute this vaccine to their residents and staff.

Click here to view the November 18, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Navigating the Potholes, November 4, 2021


Join special guest, Alfonso Gonzalez-Rodriguez, MD, as he joins our host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this episode of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: Navigating the Potholes.

This episode reviews the latest stats and trends impacting our facilities during this pandemic, provides clinical updates and reviews relevant clinical literature, discusses operationalizing state and national guidance in our facilities, addresses the changes to our clinical providers workflow, and describes solutions and strategies implemented by our clinicians on the front lines.

Click here to view the November 4, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Our Ongoing Journey, October 7, 2021


FMDA’s Journal Club host, Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, provides a high-level review of our current status in this pandemic, revisiting where we have been and where we are going; discusses guidance from the CMS Commission, medical societies, academic institutions, and some state’s departments of health; defines the best care practice recommendations that have been revealed; discusses how we move these concepts and recommendations forward; and takes time to reflect, and openly discuss our personal journeys while living through this pandemic.

Click here to view the October 7, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: The Next Wave of Challenges, September 23, 2020


Special guest, Muhammad Salman Ashraf, MBBS; Associate Professor in the Division of Infectious Diseases, Department of Internal Medicine, at University of Nebraska Medical Center, joins your host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club, COVID-19 Impact: The Next Wave of Challenges.

This session: reviews the latest testing guidance from CMS for nursing facilities; discusses reopening guidance, and the steps we need to consider to assure the safety of our residents and staff; addresses preparedness to manage both COVID-19 and the flu in our facilities; describes where we are currently with this pandemic, and the vaccination trials that are ongoing; and analyzes what needs to be next in terms of infection control and prevention policies for PALTC.

Click here to view the September 23, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19 Impact: Creating and Managing a COVID-19 Designated Unit, September 9, 2020


Special guests Connie Cheren, RN, MSW, LeadingAge Florida Clinical and Compliance Specialist; Dr. Karl Dhana, SVP Medical Affairs; Robert Morin, Director of Facilities; Carmen Shell, SVP Health Center; and Stephen Shell, Risk Manager, joined Dr. Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club.

This session addressed: the steps to take when starting or improving a COVID-19 unit; identifying the major infection control, operational, and staffing features that should be included in the planning process; learning about initiatives to avoid staff burnout, stress, and fear of contracting the virus; identifying ways to use PPE more efficiently without compromising the safety of staff; and how the medical director can support the COVID-19 care team.

Click here to view the September 9, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: All Things Missed, August 26, 2021


In this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club, special guest Elizabeth Galik, PhD, CRNP, FAAN, FAANP, joins Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, to discuss the health impact to the non-COVID patient and concerns regarding delaying care, emerging and impactful research outside of the COVID scope, and the longstanding psychosocial impact of COVID-19 to both patients and providers.

Click here to view the August 26, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Pharmaceutical Updates and Emerging Research, August 12, 2020


Special guest Dana Saffel, PharmD, DPh, CGP, FASCP, joins host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for the this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club. This session examines: emerging pharmaceutical research regarding treatments and vaccinations, current medications being utilized for the management of COVID-19 both in acute and subacute settings, compassionate medication use including how to address conflicting research, and insights into how we should be working with consultant pharmacists in our facilities.

Click here to view the August 12, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Addressing the Public Health Challenge, August 5, 2020


Special guest, Sean Cannone, DO, CMD, joins Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, on this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club to discuss: the development of a population health strategy to meet the demands of this pandemic, the unique challenges presented by Nursing Homes and ALF’s, advocating for your health system at the local and state level, the steps required to meet the needs of a diverse population, and how Dr. Cannone’s team addressed social determinants of health and healthcare disparities.

Click here to view the August 5, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Impact: Clinical Trends, Advances, and Healthcare Disparities, July 29, 2020


Join Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, for this edition of FMDA’s Journal Club where we reviewed all relevant updates and research around COVID-19, clinical advances and emerging best care recommendations, and discussed healthcare disparities related to COVID-19 and the impacts across the PALTC Continuum.

Click here to view the July 29, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID 19 Impact: Clinical Trends, Advances, and Healthcare Disparities, July 21, 2020


Special guest panelists Elaine Healy, MD, CMD, and Elizabeth Vandevelde, ARNP, join host Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, in their return to FMDA’s Journal Club to discuss what conditions we’re seeing s/p recovery from COVID-19, rehabilitation changes following this condition, and how we prepare to treat and manage patients who have persistent symptoms following recovery.

Click here to view the July 21, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides


COVID-19 Impact: Clinical & Regulatory Updates, July 15, 2020


This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, featured special guest Kimberly Smoak, MSH, QIDP, Chief of Field Operations, Health Quality Assurance, Florida’s Agency for Health Care Administration.

Click here to view the July 15, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Leading the Battle, July 8, 2020


This session includes: operationalizing the response in skilled nursing facilities; the impact on the morale of nurses and staff, and the difficulties of maintaining a workforce through this pandemic; managing a SNF through an outbreak and addressing the possibility of achieving and maintaining “COVID-free” status; the role of the Medical Director during this pandemic and the responsibility of PALTC clinicians; how SNFs should be managing visitation and vendors; the evolution of Telehealth in facilities; and the variability and variance from county-to-county and state-to-state.

Hosted by: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special Guest: Elizabeth Borer, RN

Click here to view the July 8, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides


COVID-19: In the Trenches, June 24, 2020


This session looks at the opportunities and challenges of providing primary/geriatric care to patients in the outpatient and LTC setting during this pandemic – including practice limitations, the evolving roles and responsibilities of a medical director in PALTC, and practice management insights and strategies.

Hosted by: Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD
Special Guest Panelists: Dr. Thomas Edwards, Dr. Elizabeth Hames, Dr. Brian Kiedrowski, and Dr. Dan Kaplan

Click here to view the June 24, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides


COVID-19 Overview: Current State, Challenges, and Opportunities, June 17, 2020


This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Bernardo J. Reyes, MD, CMD, Assistant Professor of Integrated Medical Science, Charles E. Schmidt College of Medicine, Florida Atlantic University.

Click here to view the June 17, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Telehealth in the Time of Pandemic in PALTC, June 10, 2020


This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Robert A. Zorowitz, MD, MBA, FACP, AGSF, CMD, as he discusses telehealth in post-acute and long-term care during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to view the June 10, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Evolving Our Infection Control Policies and Response, June 3, 2020


This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Joseph Mylotte, MD, Professor Emeritus of Medicine, Jacobs School of Medicine and Biomedical Science, State University of New York at Buffalo, Buffalo, NY.

Click here to view the June 3, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Behavioral Health Impacts, May 27, 2020


This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features special guest Marc Agronin, MD, as the Journal Club addresses the behavioral health impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic.

Click here to view the May 27, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Clinical Deep Dive into the Research – Part II, May 20, 2020


1. Review all relevant updates and literature around COVID-19
2. Discuss data and revelations from ongoing clinical trials
3. Review emerging best practices


Click here to view the May 20, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

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COVID-19: Stories from the Front Lines, May 13, 2020


Hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, this session features special guests: Gregory James, DO, MPH, CMD; Renee Lebon, RN, NHA; ; Elizabeth VandeVelde, RN, MSN, ANP-CRN, MSN, ANP-C; and Bertha Carrion, ARNP, DNP, FNP. Topics include challenges around obtaining PPE, successes and barriers to treating in place and delivering care via telehealth, and the uphill battle of unnecessary hospitalizations.


Click here to view the May 13, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides


COVID-19: Advance Care Planning, April 29, 2020

This session, hosted by Diane Sanders-Cepeda, DO, CMD, features an expert panel discussion with Maria Gonzalez, MD, FAAFP, CMD, and Naushira Pandya, MD, CMD, FACP.

Click here to view the April 29, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Treating COVID-19+ Patients in Place: Clinical Deep Dive into the Research, April 22, 2020

This session reviews all relevant updates and literature around COVID-19 with emphasis on typical and atypical clinical presentation, innovations around testing, evolving pharmaceutical landscape, and of course, practical implications.

Click here to view the April 22, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

Treating COVID-19+ Patients in Place in PA/LTC: Part III: Facility Readiness, April 16, 2020

      1. Cohorting Patients
      2. Reducing Transmission
      3. Safely Using and Conserving PPE

Click here to view the April 16, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club

Treating COVID-19+ Patients in Place in PA/LTC: Part II – Pharmaceutical Management, April 8, 2020

Click here to view the April 8, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

The Opportunities and Challenges of Treating COVID-19 Positive PALTC Residents in Place, April 1, 2020

Click here to view the April 1, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

COVID-19 Update: Guidance from the State and Teleheatlh Coding, March 25, 2020

Click here to view the March 25, 2020 Edition of the Journal Club
Click here to access the PowerPoint Slides

B. SNF Vaccination Confidence Initiative:

C. Organizational Efforts:

D. Published Peer Reviewed Journal Articles:


E. Government Rules & Regulations Updates:


2. CDC

3. CMS

4. Florida DOH

5. HHS


F. Other States:


G. Webinars:


H. Media: